Forward Model Simulation
In this tutorial we will show how to run forward model simulations given a set of parameters and plot the amount of bound antibodies.
Tutorial Setup
Let's first install the packages we need in a clean environment:
using Pkg
# create a new environment for the forward model simulation
Running Forward Simulations
We begin by loading the needed packages:
using SPRFittingPaper2023, Plots, CSV
# import a useful but non-exported function:
using SPRFittingPaper2023: means
We next specify the needed model parameters. We will vary the antibody concentration to generate a sequence of curves to model a series of experiments that increase the antibody concentration. The parameters we use will be those that we previously fit to an FD11A-RBD binding experiment.
We will begin using a 3D model in which antigen are randomly distributed within a cube, our standard model for bivalent SPR experiments. We first specify the biophysical parameters to use in our simulations and collect them in a BioPhysParams
antigenconcen = 13.8 # assumed in μM
antibodyconcens = [25.0, 100.0] # assumed in nM
kon = 5.286e-05 # assumed in 1 / (nM * sec)
koff = 0.040868575 # assumed in 1 / sec
konb = 0.7801815 # assumed in 1 / sec
reach = 31.89884387 # assumed in nm
CP = 128.569235 # coefficient of proportionality to fit the SPR data
biopars = BioPhysParams(; kon, koff, konb, reach, antigenconcen, CP,
antibodyconcen = antibodyconcens[1])
kon = 5.286e-5
koff = 0.040868575
konb = 0.7801815
reach = 31.89884387
CP = 128.569235
[antigen] = 13.8
[antibody] = 25.0
Throughout the library, all reported $k_{\text{on}}$ values represent the total bimolecular rate for the binding of free antibodies in solution to an antigen, i.e the $A_i \overset{k_{\text{on}} [\text{Ab}]}{\to} B_i$ reaction, and hence are double the physical $k_{\text{on}}$ defined in our manuscript (where we assume $k_{\text{on}}$ is the rate associated with an individual Fab, i.e. $A_i \overset{2 k_{\text{on}} [\text{Ab}]}{\to} B_i$).
Next we specify simulation parameters. Note, as we gave concentrations for the antigen and specify the number of particles to use, this fully determines the domain size (which is calculated for us automatically):
tstop = 600.0 # time in seconds
tstop_AtoB = 150.0 # time to remove free antibodies at
dt = 1.0 # times at which we save the data
N = 1000 # number of antigen particles to use
simpars = SimParams(; antigenconcen = biopars.antigenconcen, tstop, dt, N,
DIM = 3, tstop_AtoB)
SimParams{Float64, 3}
number of particles (N) = 1000
tstop = 600.0
tstop_AtoB = 150.0
number of save points = 601
domain length (L) = 493.69266003600563
resample_initlocs = true
nsims = 1000
See the SimParams
documentation for more on what the various arguments here mean.
Finally, for each antibody concentration we will run simpars.nsims
forward simulations and plot the ratio of the average number of bound antibodies to the number of antigen, scaled by the fitted coefficient of proportionality, CP
. Since we set no value for it, by default simpars.nsims = 1000
are averaged:
plt = plot(; xlabel = "times (sec)",
ylabel = "SPR Response")
for abc in antibodyconcens
biopars.antibodyconcen = abc
tbo = TotalBoundOutputter(length(simpars.tsave))
run_spr_sim!(tbo, biopars, simpars)
bindcnt = means(tbo)
plot!(plt, simpars.tsave, bindcnt; lw = 2,
label = "[Ab] = $(biopars.antibodyconcen) (simulation)")
Here means
finalizes calculating the average number of bound antibodies across the 1000 simulations that were run for each antibody concentration. It then returns the CP
scaled average number of antibodies bound to the surface at each time in tsave
divided by the number of antigen in the system (i.e. N = 1000
here). See the run_spr_sim!
docs and the docs for the terminators SPRFittingPaper2023.VarianceTerminator
or SPRFittingPaper2023.SimNumberTerminator
for more information on terminating simulations in relation to the number / accuracy of the desired averages.
Finally, let's load and plot the corresponding aligned SPR data that we originally estimated these parameters from to confirm the good fit.
datadir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "data")
fname = joinpath(datadir, "Data_FC4_10-05-22_Protein07_FD-11A_RBD-13.8_aligned.csv")
ad = get_aligned_data(fname)
for (i, times) in enumerate(ad.times)
plot!(plt, times, ad.refdata[i]; linestyle = :dash, lw = 2,
label = "[Ab] = $(ad.antibodyconcens[i]), (data)")